Ruffini, M. (Nov. 8, 2013). Educause Review. Screencasting to Engage Learning,
Using Screencasting in your Classroom
This article discusses the use of Screencasting in the classroom. Screencasting is when a teacher records the activity on their computer screen using a program to capture the images and also audio from the teacher as well. The teacher can then put these screencasts on their websites or other media for their students. There are many teacher benefits for screencasting such as presenting step-by-step instructions to students. The teacher can concentrate the lesson specifically on the content that they want the students to learn, whether it is viewing a video clip or highlighting parts of a lecture. The students can rewind and replay the screencast as many times as they need to for viewing and learning the concepts. Students can also view the lesson whenever is convenient for them to learn.
I thought the article was interesting and made me think a little differently about screencasting. I had previously used screencast-o-matic to record lessons in my classroom to put on my moodle site, but they were of me teaching not of my computer screen. I used the program to record my screen since I used my document camera as a video camera to record the teaching. I had not really thought of using the program for highlighting PowerPoint presentations for absent students or even as a review for lower Special Education students prior to testing. There are many benefits to using screencasting in the classroom. Another thing that I liked in the article was that they talked about how teachers should add in a response form, especially if flipping their classroom, for student accountability to make sure that they have viewed the screencast. I think this would be great if you were requiring students to watch certain screencasts, to have the automatic feedback sent via email. Overall I feel that I will try using screencasting in my classroom this year in the format for helping students review for the Constitution test. I feel that this would be most beneficial for the students and would be a great place to start.
Great Article. It is nice to know I'm not the only one who posted the articles.